How do I reset my password?
Forgot your password?
Click here to reset your password:
Once you've entered your email, you'll get an email from ""
If it isn't in your inbox, please check your spam folder.
Click the link in your email to reset your password and enter your new password on the following page:
Once you've successfully reset your password, you can click the button "I'm an Author!" to login to your Author Dashboard with your new password.
Or you can click this link to login:
You should also receive a confirmation email confirming your password reset:
You're all set!
If you're already logged in but you would like to change your password, you can always re-set it directly from your account. You can find it on your Dashboard on the lefthand sidebar.
You can also directly access your Account here:
Click on "Account" and enter your new Password before hitting "Update."
If you are still having trouble logging in, please contact us here.